Date/Time | Event |
07/29/2019 6:00 pm-8:00 pm |
![]() Stuart Jamieson Author of and speaking on, “Close to the Sun: The Journey of a Pioneer Heart Surgeon” UCSD Faculty Club, La Jolla CA |
06/15/2019 10:00 am-11:30 am |
![]() Daniel S. Mitrovich Author of and Speaking on: “Forever At The Finish Line: The Quest to Honor New York City Marathon Founder Fred Lebow With A Statue in Central Park” The Cove – United Methodist Center Building, San Diego |
03/16/2019 10:00 am-11:30 am |
![]() Gene Cubbison, Rory Devine & Paul Krueger Of NBC 7 Speaking On: The News & You: Career Reflections Point Loma Nazarene University – Fermanian Business Center, San Diego CA |
02/20/2019 7:00 pm-9:00 pm |
![]() E. J. Dionne – Washington Post Columnist, Brookings Institution Fellow & Distinguished Author IN CONVERSATION WITH DEAN NELSON – Chair, Journalism Department, Point Loma Nazarene University (PLNU) Point Loma University – Crill Auditorium, San Diego |
01/19/2019 10:00 am-11:30 am |
![]() The Honorable Michael S. Dukakis Former Governor of Massachusetts and candidate for President of the United States The Cove – United Methodist Center Building, San Diego |
01/12/2019 10:00 am-11:30 am |
![]() The Honorable Casey Gwinn Former San Diego City Attorney & President of the Alliance for Hope International The Cove – United Methodist Center Building, San Diego |
11/08/2018 7:30 pm-9:00 pm |
![]() The Great American Writers Series Featuring Jane Leavy Author Of: “The Big Fella: Babe Ruth: And The World He Created” Neil Morgan Auditorium, Central Library, San Diego CA |
09/29/2018 10:00 am-11:30 am |
![]() USMC Lt. Colonel Will Walker In Conversation with George Mitrovich Home of Dr. Ruth Warburg, La Jolla CA |
08/30/2018 5:30 pm-6:30 pm |
![]() Remembering Ted Williams On the occasion of his One Hundredth Birthday – With Claudia Williams, Dick Flavin & Bill Nowlin Auditorium of the Central Library, San Diego CA |
06/23/2018 10:00 am-11:30 am |
![]() Gary W. Moore Author of & Speaking on: “Playing With the Enemy: A Baseball Prodigy, a World at War, and a Field of Broken Dreams” The Cove – United Methodist Center Building, San Diego |
Some of our previous speakers:
Names and titles followed by parenthesis denote number of appearances before The City Club.
James Abourezk Member, United States Senate, State of South Dakota |
Ken Adelman United States Arms Control Director, President Reagan's Administration (2) |
Madelyn Albright Ambassador of the United States to the United Nations |
George Allen National Football League Coach |
Howard Allen Economist (2) |
Bill Allen National Security Advisor, President Reagan's Administration |
Ambassadors of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) |
Phil Angelides Treasurer, State of California |
Richard Atkinson President, University of California |
Mike Barnes President, Handgun Control |
Evan Bayh Governor, State of Indiana |
Alan Bersin United States Attorney, Southern District of California (2) |
Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Member, United States Senate, State of Delaware (15) |
Brian Bilbray Member, United States House of Representatives, State of California |
Roy Blount Jr. Author, Correspondent, Sports Illustrated (3) |
Sidney Blumenthal Author, former aide to President & Mrs. Clinton |
Myrna Blyth Editor, Ladies Home Journal |
David Boise Attorney, Cravath, Swaine & Moore |
Hyman Bookbinder Special Representative, American Jewish Committee |
Max Boot Author, Editorial Writer, The Wall Street Journal (3) |
Jim Bouton Former Major League Pitcher, Author of "Ball Four" |
Barbara Boxer Member, United States Senate, State of California (2) |
Joan Braden Author, Washington Socialite |
Benjamin Bradlee Executive Editor, The Washington Post |
Ernestine Bradley Wife of Bill Bradley, candidate for President of the United States |
Jim & Sarah Brady National Handgun Control |
Kingman Brewster, Jr. United States Ambassador to the Court of St. James; former President, Yale University |
David Broder Author, Columnist, The Washington Post |
William Brody President, Johns Hopkins University |
Edmund G. "Pat" Brown Former Governor, State of California |
Jerry Brown Governor, State of California (3) |
Kathleen Brown Treasurer, State of California (2) |
Willie Brown Speaker, California State Assembly |
Terry Brunner Executive Director, Better Government Association of Chicago (BGA) |
Hal Bruno ABC-News Correspondent (2) |
Howard Bryant Columnist, The Boston Herald |
Patrick Buchanan Candidate for President of the United States |
Francois Bujon de l'Estang Ambassador of France to the United States |
Dale Bumpers Member, United States Senate, State of Arkansas |
Carlos Bustamente Lt. Governor, State of California |
Jerry Butkiewicz Secretary-Treasurer, San Diego-Imperial Counties AFL-CIO |
David Calahan Author, "The Cheating Culture: Why More Americans Are Doing Wrong to Get Ahead" |
Reverend Arthur Caliandro Senior Minister, Marble Collegiate Church, New York City |
Tom Campbell Candidate, United States Senate, State of California |
Bill Campbell Republican Leader, California State Assembly |
Capital Gang - CNN Margaret Carlson, Al Hunt, Bob Novak, Mark Shields |
Jimmy Carter President of the United States (2) |
Pablo Casals Spanish Author |
Victor Cha & David Kang Authors, "Nuclear Korea" |
Bob Chandler Play-by-Play Broadcaster, San Diego Padres |
Al Checchi Candidate for Governor, State of California |
Lynne Cheney Chairman, National Endowment for the Humanities |
Ron Chernow American Historian |
Forrester Church Senior Minister, First Unitarian Church, New York City |
Sanford Cloud, Jr. President, National Conference of Community and Justice (NCCJ) |
Stan Coerr Major, United States Marine Corps |
Ted Conover Author |
Thomas Constantine Director, Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) |
John Cooke President, The Disney Channel |
Bernard Cornwell Author |
Dana Crawford President, Urban Neighborhoods, Denver, Colorado |
Tom Cronin American Historian |
Randy "Duke" Cunningham United States House of Representatives, State of California |
Al Davis Owner -- Oakland Raiders |
Peter Q. Davis Candidate for Mayor, City of San Diego |
Gray Davis Lt. Governor, State of California |
Susan Davis Member, United States House of Representatives, State of California |
Howard Dean Governor, State of Vermont, candidate for President of the United States (2) |
Michael Deaver Author, former aide to President Ronald Reagan |
Alfred Defago Ambassador of Switzerland to the United States |
James Dickenson Author, former Writer, The Washington Post |
Debra Dickerson Author, former Intelligence Agent, United States Army |
Samuel Dillon New York Times Correspondent, Winner of the Pulitzer Prize |
E.J. Dionne, Jr. Author, Columnist, The Washington Post |
Chris Dodd Member, United States Senate, State of Connecticut |
Toby Dodge Author, "Inventing Iraq", Professor, Warwick University, England |
Mary Anne Dolan Editor, Los Angeles Herald-Examiner |
George Duekmejian Governor, State of California (5) |
Michael Dukakis Candidate for President of the United States; Governor, Commonwealth of Massachusetts |
Paul Duke Host, Washington Week in Review, PBS |
Peter Edelman Author, former aide to Senator Robert F. Kennedy |
Robert Edgar President, School of Theology, Clairemont, California |
Tom Edsall Author, Writer, The Washington Post |
John Eisenhower American Historian |
Osama El-Baz National Security Advisor, Nation of Egypt |
Dick Enberg NBC Sports |
Steve Erie Professor, University of California, San Diego (2) |
Flavio Espinal Ambassador of the Dominican Republic to the United States |
James Fallows Author, Washington Bureau Chief, Atlantic Monthly (3) |
Jerry Falwell Pastor, Thomas Road Baptist Church, Lynchburg, Virginia |
Dianne Feinstein Member, United States Senate, State of California (3) |
Sir Robin Fenwick Great Britain's Ambassador to the United States |
Bob Filner Member, United States House of Representatives, State of California |
Floyd Flake Member, United States House of Representatives, State of New York |
Dick Flavin Poet and playwright |
Abraham H. Foxman National Director -- Anti-Defamation League (ADL) |
Barney Frank Member, United States House of Representatives, Commonwealth of Massachusetts |
Max Frankel Author, former Executive Editor, The New York Times (2) |
Donna Frye Candidate for Mayor, City of San Diego |
John Garamendi Insurance Commissioner, State of California |
Leonard Garment Author, former White House Counsel to President Richard Nixon |
Bill Geppert General Manager, Cox Communications |
Ray Gilmartin Chairman & CEO, Merck and Company |
Newt Gingrich Speaker, United States House of Representatives |
Andy Glass Chief, Washington Bureau, Cox Newspapers |
James K. Glassman Author and Economist |
Susan Golding Mayor, City of San Diego |
Marshall Goldman Economist |
Patricia Goldman Member, United States Transportation and Safety Board |
Jay Goldstone Chief Finanical Officer (CFO), City of San Diego |
Doris Kearns Goodwin American Historian |
Michael Gordon Chief Military Correspondent, The New York Times, co-author of COBRA II |
Bob Greene Author, Syndicated Columnist |
Gerald Greenwald Former Chairman, United Airline |
Garret Gruener Founder, Ask Jeeves Search Engine |
David Halberstam Author, Winner of The Pulitzer Prize (5) |
Pete Hamill Author, Editor, The New York Post |
Adam Hamilton Senior Minister, Church of the Resurrection (United Methodist Church), Leawood, Kansas |
Tom Harkin Member, United States Senate, State of Iowa |
Gary Hart Member, United States Senate, State of Colorado (5) |
Sam Hayakawa Member, United States Senate, State of California |
Tom Hayden Author, Member, California State Senate |
Tom Hayes Director, Office of Finance, State of California |
Walter Hickel Governor, State of Alaska |
Fred Hickman Sports Anchor, CNN |
Fred Hitz Former Inspector General, Central Intelligence Agency (2) |
Simon Hoggart British Journalist (2) |
Laurence Horowitz Author, Medical Editor, The New York Times |
Dick Hudnut Mayor, City of Indianapolis |
Al Hunt Columnist, The Wall Street Journal (5) |
Brooks Jackson Investigative Reporter, CNN |
Charles Jaco Law Correspondent, ABC-News |
Irwin Jacobs Founder, Qualcomm |
Haynes Johnson Author, Columnist, The Washington Post (3) |
Phillip Johnston Director, Robert F. Kennedy Memorial |
John Kaheny Luncheon Tribute to former San Diego City Attorney |
Roger Kahn Author, "Boys of Summer" (2) |
Bob Kerrey Member, United States Senate, State of Nebraska |
Bill Kolender Sheriff, County of San Diego |
Teddy Kollek Mayor, Jerusalem, State of Israel |
Paul Krugman Author, Columnist, The New York Times (3) |
Fred Krupp President, Environmental Defense Fund |
Chuck LaBella Acting United States Attorney, Southern District of California |
Dick Lamm Governor, State of Colorado (8) |
Langston University Choir |
Larry Lawrence United States Ambassador to Switzerland |
Tony Lewis Columnist, The New York Times, winner of the Pulitzer Prize (2) |
Bill Lockyer Attorney General, State of California |
Richard Louv Author, Columnist, San Diego Union Tribune |
Larry Lucchino President, Boston Red Sox |
Dan Lundgren Attorney General, State of California |
Jackie MacMullin Columnist, The Boston Globe |
Myra MacPherson Author, Washington Post Features Writer (2) |
Frank Mankiewicz Press Secretary, Senator Robert F. Kennedy (3) |
Warren Bryan Martin Jr. Professor of Higher Education and Abraham Lincoln Scholar |
Peter Matthiessen Author (3) |
General Barry McCaffrey Director, United States Drug Administration |
Eugene McCarthy Member, United States Senate, State of Minnesota (10) |
Scott McClellan White House press secretary under President George W. Bush |
George McGovern Former United States Senator and the Democratic Party's nominee for President in 1972 |
The McLaughlin Group Fred Barnes, Eleanor Clift, Morton Kondracke, Chris Matthews, and John McLaughlin |
Tom McMillen Member, United States House of Representatives, State of Maryland |
Tanya Melich Leading American Pollster |
Robert W. Merry Author, Editor, The Congressional Quarterly |
Matthew Miller Author, Nationally Syndicated Columnist |
John Moores Owner, San Diego Padres |
Roger Morris American Historian |
Rt. Honorable Colin Moynihan Member, House of Commons, Great Britain |
Roger Mudd Network Correspondent, CBS News |
Dick Murphy Candidate for Mayor, City of San Diego |
Dennis Nally Chairman and Senior Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers |
David Nasaw Author, Professor, New York University (NYU) |
Oliver North Lt. Colonel, United States Marine Corps |
William Novelli Chief Executive Officer, AARP |
Buck O'Neil Chairman, Negro League Hall of Fame, Kansas City, Missouri (5) |
Cathy O'Neil Representative of the United Nations to the United States |
Bill Owens Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States |
Richard Parker Author, "John Kenneth Galbraith: His Life, His Politics, His Economics" |
Steve Peace Member, California State Senate |
Jack Peltason President, University of California |
Tim Penny Former Member, United States House of Representatives, State of Minnesota |
Tony Perry Chief, San Diego Bureau, The Los Angeles Times (3) |
Adam Pertman Executive Director, Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute |
Scott Peters President, San Diego City Council |
Paul Pfingst District Attorney, County of San Diego |
Digger Phelps Head Basketball Coach, University of Notre Dame |
Terry Phelps Author, University of Notre Dame Law School Professor |
Kevin Phillips American Historian (3) |
Martha Phillips President, The Concord Coalition |
Valerie Plame Wilson Former Covert Intelligence Office – Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) |
George Plimpton Author, Editor, The Paris Review (12) |
Colin Powell Chairman, United States Joint Chiefs of Staff |
Vladimir Pozner Soviet Journalist |
Doug Price President, FirstBank Colorado |
David Pryor Member, United States Senate, State of Arkansas |
Marilyn Quayle Author |
Dan Quayle Former Vice President of the United States |
Sally Quinn Author, Washington Post Features Writer (2) |
Yitzhak Rabin Prime Minister, State of Israel |
Maureen Reagan Republican Candidate, United States Senate |
Richard Reeves Author, former Chief Political Correspondent, The New York Times (25) |
T.R. Reid Washington Post Bureau Chief, London (3) |
Rick Reilly Columnist, Sports Illustrated |
Rob Reiner Actor; Children's Advocate |
Stephen Reinhardt Judge, United States Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit |
Tony Robbins Author and Motivational Speaker |
Jackie Robinson 50th Anniversary Tribute |
Armando Rodriquez Public servant and author |
Richard Rodriquez Author |
Roy Romer Governor, State of Colorado |
Jeffrey Rosen Law Correspondent, The New Republic |
Mark Russell Humorist |
Paul Saltman Author, Professor, University of California, San Diego |
Jerry Sanders Mayor, City of San Diego |
Ed Sardella News Anchor, KUSA-TV , Denver |
Nathan Sassaman U.S. Army Colonel (Retired), author of “Warrior King” |
John Sawyer Number Two Officer, British Embassy |
Lynn Schenk Member, United States House of Representatives, State of California |
Arthur Schlesinger Jr. American Historian (3) |
Juliet Schor Author, Harvard University Professor |
Marty Schram Author, Nationally Syndicated Columnist (3) |
Paul Seymour Member, United States, State of California |
Neil Sheehan Journalist, Winner of The Pulitzer Prize |
Robert Sheer Columnist, The Los Angeles Times |
Judy Sheindlin Author and Judge |
Lynn Sherr Author, Correspondent, 20-20, ABC-News |
Roger Showley Author, Staff Writer, San Diego Union Tribune |
R. Sargent Shriver Former Ambassador of the United States to France |
Bill Simon Republican Candidate, Governor of California |
John Simon Critic, The National Review and New York Magazine |
Alan Simpson Member, United States Senate, State of Wyoming (10) |
Jane Smiley Author |
Xan Smiley British Journalist |
Hedrick Smith Author, former Washington Bureau Chief, The New York Times (3) |
Norman Solomon Author and media critic |
Dinesh D'Souza Author |
Spizzwinks Yale University Men¹s Chorale Group (3) |
Gay Talese Author (2) |
Sydney Taurel Chairman and CEO, Eli Lilly and Company |
The Embeds American Reporters on their experiences in Iraq |
Robert Theobald Author and Economist |
Paul Theroux Author |
Art Torres Chairman, California State Democratic Party (2) |
Kevin Towers Executive Vice President/General Manager, San Diego Padres (2) |
Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. Editor, The American Spectator |
John Van de Kamp Attorney General, State of California |
Gregory Vega United States Attorney, Southern District of California |
Stephen Walker Author, United States Department of State expert on the Balkans |
Jim Wall Editor, The Christian Century |
Jim Wallis Author, Editor-in-Chief, Sojourners Magazine (6) |
Jerry Warren Editor, San Diego Union Tribune |
Washington Week in Review |
Lowell Weicker Former Governor and United States Senator, State of Connecticut |
Stephen Weisman Author, Chief Diplomatic Correrspondent -- The New York Times (2) |
What Happened to the Media? -- Panel Discussion |
The Honorable Bill White Mayor, Houston, Texas |
George Will Author, Nationally Syndicated Columnist (3) |
Pat Williams Father of 19 children, author of 43 books,Vice President, The Orlando Magic, NBA (2) |
Will Willimon Dean of the Chapel, Duke University; Bishop, United Methodist Church (2) |
Joseph Wilson Former United States Ambsaasdor, Author of "The Politics of Truth: Inside the Lies that Led to War and Betrayed My Wife's CIA Identity" |
Naomi Wolf Author of "The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot" |
Judy Woodruff White House Correspondent, NBC-News |
Jim Wright Former Speaker, United States House of Representatives |
Jim Zogby President, Arab-American Institute, Washington, D.C. (2) |
Elmo Zumwalt Chief of Operations, United States Navy (2) |